On Simplicity

2 minute read

After some research on the topic and thinking about it, I realized that it’s really hard to define or write about simplicity.

How does one define simplicity? What I’ve realized in life is that what’s simple to one might not be simple to another. There is no single path to simplicity. Simple is different for every person. Simplicity makes sense to each person in our own way. To me, simple is uncomplicated, understandable, accessible, intelligible, straightforward, manageable, effortless, clean, comforting, modest, honest, restrained, peaceful, quiet, elementary. I know that these are a lot of words, but they apply to the different aspects of my life.

Simplicity is a state of mind.

Charles Wagner

As far back as I can remember, I have always looked for simplicity in all things in my life. Since childhood, things and environments that were simple and uncomplicated have always appealed to me. Even as an adult now, I strive for simplicity with everything in my life. Clutter makes me uncomfortable. I have always wanted a life that is as simple as possible.

But a simple life is easier said than done. Not everything can be simple, since complex issues that require complicated thinking and solutions do exist in life. The beautiful simplicity of the natural world around us is more complex than we can imagine. Complication is sometimes a necessity to make our daily lives simpler. What is also true is that we do not always have to look for complicated solutions or complex things in our lives, because complexity brings along its own set of issues. Complicated problems can sometimes be solved by simple solutions as well.

Adopting simplicity has helped me bring both mental and physical clarity in my life. It has helped me take a step back and look at my life, reflecting on what I want my life to be like, on the progress I’ve made, and what needs to be done. It helps me focus on what is important in life, rather than being distracted by the unnecessary. Simplicity helps me be more mindful and less overwhelmed. It helps me remain sane even in times of extreme uncertainty. It helps remove the non-essentials in my life as much as possible, and make room for what is essential. Simplicity helps me live a peaceful life and spend time with the people I care most about. It helps guide me to where I want to go, and then helps me figure out a way to get there.

I believe that striving for a little simplicity in both the physical and non-physical in life is good for everyone. The goal of simplicity in life should be to minimize distractions and live a more fulfilling life, focusing on the things that matter most.